
The Benefits & Importance of Pet Carriers

What are pet carriers?

Pet carriers are small, portable boxes, crates, or cages that are used to transport animals like cats, lap dogs, miniature pigs, ferrets, chickens, and guinea pigs from one location to another.

You also get soft-sided carriers made of breathable fabrics. However, these provide less safety as they can be easily damaged.

The importance of crate training your pet:

While it’s important to have carriers, it’s also equally important to train your pet to use these carriers. As a pet owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your pet feels safe and comfortable inside the carrier to avoid causing them stress and discomfort.

It’s better to start crate training your pet as early as possible. Sometimes it might take anywhere from days to weeks for them to get comfortable with the carrier but it’s worth the effort.

They provide a safe environment, especially for puppies, kittens and rescue animals

Crates are very useful in keeping your curious puppies or kittens’ little paws safe when you’re not around to supervise them. They also act as a safe place where your pets can take naps, and also help with house training them.
When it comes to rescue animals, especially those that are traumatised, a crate will act as a safe space and help them adjust to their new surroundings without having to be fearful of the changes around them.

Pet carriers are a boon for transporting injured pets

These carriers will make it easier for pet owners to carry their pet outside or to the vet when they’re injured. It also makes the pets feel comfortable and secure during the back and forth commute while minimising stress on their bodies.

Pet carriers are an absolute necessity for pet parents that love travelling

A pet carrier is one of the best ways to take your pet with you while travelling. These crates and carriers help protect your pet when you have to move from one place to another, especially if it’s by trains or air crafts. By getting your pet used to staying in a crate, you can travel together without having to constantly worry about their well-being.

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There are many ways you can help us. From covering medical costs and post-op care for animal rescues, sponsoring vaccination shots, celebrating an occasion by sponsoring a meal for our inmates at the animal hospital and at the animal sanctuary or even contributing to help us keep the facilities running , the choice is yours.

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