4 ways to care for pets this winter - Blog Cover

4 ways to care for pets during winter

Winter is coming. And with it comes a fair share of changes in the environment that our fur babies are used to. A shift in seasons presents different challenges for pet owners. But with the right adjustments to daily routine, one can ensure that they are still as comfortable as we’d want them to be.

Considering our Indian winters, here are a few simple things we can do to keep them warm, comfortable, happy and relaxed.


Provide a warm and dry shelter: Cold weather usually brings with it dampness and increased levels of moisture around your home. Helping our pets retain body heat is an important factor to take into consideration. Ensure that they are kept off the cold floors and have a warm and dry mattress or cushion to rest on. This could be further improved by laying old clothes or sheets for them to curl up on. Sometimes, you might find your pet cats curling up in your cupboards or in your laundry baskets. This is normal behavior and just their way of keeping warm.


Pet clothes: Investing in pet clothes goes a long way in making sure they’re warm and cozy. Fair warning: They’re also EXTREMELY adorable and you might find yourself spending your day photographing all the cuteness! But on a serious note, short-haired dogs especially tend to find it more difficult to maintain their body heat. So if you’re taking them on walks or just curling up at home enjoying the weather, they’re sure to thank you for it. Some pets may find them uncomfortable or cumbersome. So consider it a trial and error situation.


Food and hydration: You might notice that your pets drink considerably less water during winter. This is because of their reduction in physical activity and that’s normal. However, routinely check that their water bowls are filled with fresh, room temperature water. There might be an increased intake of food, as well. This is because keeping warm depletes energy. So they’ll love you for being a little more generous with their daily portions of food. Although, you should continue to try and maintain their weight and diet as recommended by your veterinarian.


Exercise: Yes, winter weather is the perfect excuse to hide under the sheets and spend your day binge watching your favorite TV series. Consider keeping things in balance by taking your pets out for a walk and enjoying the weather outside. This is a great form of exercise for both you and your little one. Try to avoid walks in the rain, if possible. If you must, dry their fur immediately and rinse and dry their paws as soon as you’re home. Not doing so may result in skin infections or even the risk of disease. Once that’s done, feel free to curl up and continue your binge session together!


Contrary to popular belief, winter is a wonderful season so long as you’re adequately prepared. It only comes once a year, so make the most of it!

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